Intensive Care Nurses' Knowledge and Perception Regarding Artificial Intelligence Applications

Document Type : Original Article


1 Medical surgical nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University

2 Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University


Background: Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enhancing patient care and driving a new era in the field. Aim: The present research aimed to identify the intensive care nurses' knowledge and perception regarding artificial intelligence applications. Research design: This research used a descriptive design. Setting: Intensive Care Unit at Suez-Canal and Ain Shams University Hospitals. Subject: Convenient sample composed of all nurses working in Intensive Care Unit with total number of (160) who are working at time of data collection in the previous listed study settings. Tools: The study utilized two data collection tools: Tool (I): Self-administered artificial intelligence knowledge questionnaire, and Tool (II): Nurses' Perception regarding artificial intelligence applications. Results: There were statistical significance differences between the Intensive Care Unit nurses' perception level regarding applications of artificial intelligence in health care setting with age, educational qualifications, and years of experience in Intensive Care Unit. Also, there was a highly statistically positive correlation between total knowledge and perception among the intensive care nurses. Conclusion: Around two-thirds of studied nurses had unsatisfactory level of knowledge, as well, the majority of the nurses had moderate perception level regarding artificial intelligence applications in Intensive Care Unit. Recommendations: Provide appropriate information about the benefits, challenges, and issues surrounding the implementation of artificial intelligence in nursing settings and the potentials of these technologies to improve health care processes and efficiencies.
