Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge Regarding Pre and Postoperative Care of Patients with Total Knee Arthroplasty-.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Medical Surgical Nursing. Faculty of Nursing. Suez canal university

2 Medical Surgical Nursing Department . Faculty of Nursing. Suez Canal University

3 Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University


          Background: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is one of the most clinically successful and cost-effective medical procedures developed during the last ½ century, and usually used to treat chronic refractory knee pain and loss of movement because of various underlying knee problems, Aim of the study: Assess nurses' knowledge regarding pre and postoperative care of patient with total knee arthroplasty, Research Design: A descriptive research design was used in the study. Setting: The present study was carried out at orthopedic departments affiliated to the Suez Canal University Hospitals, Sample: All available staff nurses (80 nurses) were included in the study, Tools of data collection: The data was collected by a tool named; self-administered questionnaire to obtain nurses profile data and  assess nurses’ knowledge regarding pre and postoperative care of patient with total knee arthroplasty, Results: Results revealed that 91.2%  of nurses had an unsatisfactory level of total knowledge regarding care of patients with TKA, Conclusion: Based on the results of the current study, the majority of the studied nurses had unsatisfactory level of knowledge regarding pre and postoperative care of patient with TKA, Recommendations: Educational guidelines about standardized protocol of pre and postoperative nursing care of patients with total knee arthroplasty should be conducted. Repeat the study on other orthopaedic procedures to obtain more data and findings that will enhance the quality of nursing care in orthopaedic units. Further researches should be done using a larger sample drawn from other Egyptian regions in order to generalize the results.
