Innovative Work Behavior and Clinical Decision Making among Nursing Interns

Document Type : Original Article


         Background: In the healthcare field, innovative work behavior isn't traditionally a mandatory part of the daily practice but rather a behavior beyond the scope of the prescribed work behavior of the healthcare. Nursing clinical decision-making also is the basis of the nursing daily practice where the nurses’ focus is on patients. Decision-making is critically intertwined with innovation at any point within an organization. The aim was to identify the relation between innovative work behavior and clinical-decision making of nursing interns at Suez Canal University. A descriptive correlational design was utilized to carry out this study. The sample of the study was all the internship students in the academic year 2018/2019  who  affiliated to  Faculty  of Nursing  at  Suez Canal  University  and  spent their internship period in  Suez  Canal  University  Hospitals during the data collection period. They were 68 students. The setting of the study was Suez Canal University Hospitals. Tools: Two tools were used. Tool (1) an innovative work behavior scale. Tool (2) the clinical Decision Making in Nursing Scale. Results: There was a statistically significant strong correlation between innovative work behavior and clinical decision-making (P<0.001) Conclusion: There was a relationship between innovative work behavior and clinical decision making of nursing interns at Suez Canal University. Recommendations: innovative work behavior and clinical decision-making should be included in the orientation-training program for the nursing interns.
